Thursday, 26 March 2009

The God Delusion

Book Review

Richard Dawkins writes about his perspective on what he suggests is nothing more than a figment of the imagination. In a scholarly, scientific standpoint which largely uses the argument that proof and evidence is the only thing that can be truly believed in, Dawkins discusses the creationists' belief of how it all began, and how wrong it is.

For anyone who has a problem believing that there is a God who is watching over us and controlling things like earthquakes and Tsunami in order to punish humanity for being naughty, or if you have questioned people going to church when something horrific has happened to them, then this book will dispell, from an academic and educated standpoint, how much unproven stuff has come out of religion and God worship in modern and less modern times.

How best to explain this paradigm shift amongst anyone who learned anything from science lessons?
Well, put it this way. My fascination with science fiction meets with mixed reactions depending upon the recipient of my declaration. Some find it logical and completely normal a subject to have an interest in. Others baulk at the mere thought of such a juvenile and pointless excursion. People who worship a god, however, are very rarely questioned. Moreover, their actions and sensibilities are protected by political correctness, with the perpetrator of any criticism or questioning worthy of the pillory for discrimination.
As far as proof is concerned, there is no more proof available to support the presence of a god than there is to support the actual existence of the Starship Enterprise, Klingons, Mr. Spock, or Commander Will Riker. It is therefore no more ridiculous a concept for a person to believe in Star Trek than it is for a person to believe in an all mighty, all powerful, all benevolent god - who allows so many horrific and torturous things to happen to our peoples and our children, all under the guise of "loving us". 

As Dawkins points out, scientists are not blindly fundamentalist about their beliefs. This is because most scientists will change their belief the moment evidence is put forward to suggest otherwise. When science disproves or questions the bible and the beliefs of god worshippers, they slide back into the "faith" bunker and shut out anything real, preferring to belief something that is not real, never was, and never will be. They continue to perpetuate the false teachings of the bible, or their holy book, regardless of the facts staring them in the face.
Dawkins goes into more detail, and eloquently puts the case over for the absence of god. This leaves himself wide open for anyone who wants to come forward and prove that there is a god. Nobody has come forward yet to prove Dawkins wrong.

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